
Tortellini alla panna

I love Tortellini. I think there is no other dish that I have prepared more often in my life than Tortellini alla panna. It is my favourite dish of all time. If you have ever tasted fresh homemade Tortellini you will never want to buy the finished product again. On the other hand if you make everything from scratch it involves a lot of work! 

200 gr Parmesan cheese (good quality)
150 gr Mortadella (you can take the SA local, does not have to be the imported stuff)
150 gr Pancetta or Parma ham (I prefer Pancetta! Make sure that you fry the pancetta for a couple of minutes in a pan)
Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg
1 egg

Put everything in a food processor. Filling complete!

Pasta Dough:
3 eggs
200 gr Semolina
100 gr Cake Flour
2 Tbsp Olive oil
Some salt

Knead the dough and use more flour if you need until it does not stick. Use pasta machine to get the dough really, really thin. Use a glass or something similar to cut out round discs of dough. Put some of the filling (small teaspoon max) on the disc, wet the edges with some water and fold the disc to a halfmoon. Press edges until they stick. Fold the halfmoon to a Tortellini. Sprinkle some flour on the Tortellini and keep in the fridge until you are ready to cook them.

Cook the Tortellini in a big pot for about 5 minutes (should be ready once they come to the surface of the water) and toss them into the pan with the sauce.

Some slices of pancetta (or other bacon)
200 gr of heavy cream
100 gr parmesan
Salt, pepper, olive oil

Fry pancetta with some olive oil until crispy. Take out of pan. Pour heavy cream into pan. In goes the parmesan cheese and the Tortellini. Season with Salt, Pepper. Serve with the crisp bacon on top. Done!

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