
Emmarentia - Dog Walking Park

This morning I went with the girls for a relaxed walk to the Emmarentia Park quite early in the morning. The dog walking area is close to the botanical gardens and the Emmarentia Dam. You can access the park via various entrences with good parking facilities (e.g. Orange Road or Thomas Bowler Street). This dog walking park accomodates a lot of little lakes/dams, all connected with little natural or man-made streams which makes it perfect for hot summer days. Of course the water offers a lot of fun during the winter period as well... 

The accessible walking area is wide spread and in general it is a good place to socialise your dogs. For really good socialisation I would recommend to visit the park during the week as you meet the regular dog walkers with well socialised dogs while over the weekend the quantity of the "sun-shine-only"- dog walkers is slightly increased and you might meet some not so well behaved dogs. However, in general this park is very nice for dog walks, just always watch the cyclists!

The snapshot below was taken this morning and shows Lula. I cannot believe that she is already one year old now! She is a fantastic swimmer and even enjoys our pool in the garden quite often. She basically lies in the water without showing a lot of moving effort. It's really fun to see her swim as it looks to elegant. Something she very often lacks having solid ground under her feet...You can spot Gogo in the background pretending to go for a good swim as well. In fact, she is not fond of swimming at all and should something in the water accidentally touch her feet you can be sure that she's literally running out of the water. "Don't trust what you cannot smell or see!"... 
Makes perfect sense to me.


Don't shop. Adopt!

I just read some news about the police in Germany who caught a person during some routine check with 78 puppies in the boot of his car. The puppies were between 4 and 8 weeks of age. I mean, really?! Argh, that makes me so angry and feeling helpless at the same time... I guess if there were not so many people looking for a proper "breed" dog for almost no money such things just would not happen. Seriously, there are already so many dogs out there who are put down because they are unwanted.
Our two dogs are from a shelter. They are some unidentified x-breeds and who cares about them not being "proper" dogs? They have phantastic characters and I love and enjoy them every day. I would not want to replace them by any other pure breed dog in the world. 
In addition a high portion of these "ach so cute"-high breed puppies will end up in an animal shelter anyway between the age of 10 months and 2 years, namely then when they are not so cute anymore and terrorise their respective household. I volunteered at such an animal shelter for quite some time and you find all kind of pure breed or crossbreed dogs there. And guess what? All of them are lovely creatures with amazing characters... So please! Please please please: Don't shop. Adopt!

Nerdy Love Song with Added Kitten Bonus

This is so cute...


Atoms for Peace - Ingenue

Snapshot Gogo shaking off water

Just recently when I was walking with Gogo in a bigger group we came past a little lake or dam. Gogo had a blast running in the water and I was lucky to catch the moment when she was shaking off the water. Really love this picture...